TAG: Hybrid Radio
It combines diffusive technologies (broadcast) and internet, to improve the radio. The standard of hybrid radio (or Hybrid Radio) was born from the collaboration of EBU and other broadcasters, gathered in the RadioDNS project, see https://radiodns.org/. The standard is now edited by the ETSI.
Found News (2)
News 2017 November 29
Radio evolves: New Radio Day 2017
Paolo Casagranda
Rai Centre for Research and Innovation of Technology presented its research on linear radio personalisation at the New Radio Day 2017 EBU event. Although linear radio represents the most popular and profitable form of radio, new ways of listening are gaining ground thanks to advent of new technologies: listening on tablets and smartphones, audio-on-demand, voice controlled devices, just to name a few of them.
New Radio Day proposes updates on the innovation work of European radios every year.
Digital Radio Deployment in Europe
Update of EBU R138 on Digital Radio Deployment in Europe
Paolo Casagranda
The Radio Group of the EBU Strategic Programme, co-chaired by Rai Research Centre, has updated the guidelines for Digital Radio Deployment in Europe, included in the EBU R138 recommendation.