Year 56 - Issue 2 - August 2007
Cover Contents G.F. Barbieri
Ravello - Technical Quality of Music
From 15th to 17th June, at Villa Rufolo in Ravello, the "Città della Musica",
il 2° incontro dedicato alla Qualità Tecnica della Musica
organizzato dalla Direzione Strategie Tecnologiche della Rai.
Mario Muratori
Tecniche di visione stereoscopica basate sulla frequenza: anàglifo e Infitec

Leonardo Scopece
Holophony - a audio shooting of that is around us
With the coming of HDTV, also in the consumer panorama, and with the well-established 16:9 format, is necessary to provide a multichannel audio with a quality comparable at that of video. Broadcasters must be equipped to produce a multichannel sound track in the most cost effective way, with the aim of integrating the involving video with a spatial three-dimensional audio and to put the viewer into the scene. At present, it is not appropriate to adopt the conventional technology of sound stereophonic shooting, because its limitations in three dimensional effects. To overcome these problems, the Research Centre of Rai is evaluating and testing new approaches of sound shooting, with the aims of cost optimisation, of minimizing technical problems and of interfacing with present audio production infrastructures. This article describes the holophonic system and the results of first tests carried out.
Marzio Barbero, Natasha Shpuza
High Definition: 1080p displays
Previous articles presented the evolution of displays used for TV and HDTV. Among the displays presently available, there are: plasma panels, LCD-TFT, retroprojectors. Competition, and the following reduction in prices and profit margins, push manufacturers to design displays with innovative characteristics and attractive for consumers. Full definition, 1920 pixel x 1080 lines, is now available on products based on all the previous mentioned technologies and EICTA (European Information & Communications Technology Industry Association) has recently defined two logos “HD ready 1080p” and “HD TV 1080p”. The trend of developing displays characterised by low power, less weight and reduced thickness is accelerated by the annouces of near-future introduction of TV screens based on electroluminescent materials (OLED).
Mario Muratori
3D-HDTV SmoothPicture technology based on DLP®
DMD technology, based on micromirrors, has been developed by Texas Instruments (TI) to implement full definition (1080p) projectors and retroprojectors and can be easily adopted to display stereoscopic material. This article describes the SmoothPicture technology, developed to reduce the cost of 1080p devices. Temporal multiplexing, at the basis of this technique, adding a synchorizer for shutter glasses, allows the implementation of a high-quality (HD and flicker free) stereoscopic display.
Andrea Falletto
Algorithms and techniques for voice recongnition - state of the art and future developments
Technologies to allow voice recognition have been developed in the years and, due to the increased computational power, more and more find applications. In particular, they can be adopted in fields of interest for broadcasters, e.g. for programme subtitling, which in future could be implemented automatically and low error rate. This is an introductory article to understand complexity and potentiality of these techniques.