Republic of San Marino – April, 24th to 25th
The annual HD Italian Conference Forum to be held in San Marino on April 24th and 25th next promises to be a major event, full of reflections, stimuli, ideas, suggestions, indications about the technological future of television. It is understood to Milan Expo Gate last Saturday in a joint conference of the presence of San Marino at the Expo and Conference 2015. San Marino will in fact be “a sort of garden innovation and development in the field of Telecommunications and the new television thanks to fiber cabling that will soon be in all the homes of San Marino. It is on this premise that the partnership between HD Forum Italian and San Marino was born and developed, “said Benito Manlio Mari, President of HD Forum Italian. While Emanuele Valli, Autonomous Company Director of State Services in San Marino, has specified that the oldest Republic in the world “has focused strongly on new technologies in support of development: an interlocutor as HDFI is therefore a major strategic ally for skills that door. ”
San Marino, in predicate become a “smart” state, will be the testing ground for experimenting with new applications for interactive TV and Ultra HD programs. Together with the integration of broadband and broadcast, the development of interactive digital TV and the technological evolution towards the Ultra TV will be the main themes of the Conference in 2015, confirming that, in addition to being an association of industry whose purpose is the ‘ aggregation of subjects and interests, HD Forum Italian is a “think tank” that promptly anticipates the future.
What is the future? For example, it is an acronym: HbbTV. A San Marino HD Italian Forum will present an absolute first fruits: the pan-European association workshops HbbTV, meeting essential that heralds the transition to the new European standard for interactive TV in the Italian market to replace the MHP standard. “With the standard HbbTV Italy will open to the European and global market and national broadcasters will face the on-demand offering so much more confident,” he annotated Alberto Sigismondi, chief adviser to the TV. “HbbTV 2.0 is the new European standard which opens to the most basic of web media such as HTML5. – Added Marco Pellegrinato, vice president of HD Forum Italy – With this key technology to extend many existing web services on television is easier than it has been in the past with MHP and this will lead to even more success in the TV platform. ” Given the importance of this workshop, its results will be the subject of an action for disclosure by HD Forum Italian in other areas and in other professional and technological events to be held in Italy.
The future will be also marked by increased video quality with Ultra HD and the growing integration between modes of transmission. “Increasing the quality represents a typical television asset that distinguishes it from other devices; but the internet will become increasingly important and the convergence between the systems is on the agenda. – Said Pietro Guerrieri, Secretary General of Italy HD Forum and CEO of SES Astra Italy – Objective is therefore the broadband connectivity, even for their videos are increasingly important. ”
In Milan, Italy HD Forum has also formalized an agreement with Confindustria Radio Television. “Television is experiencing a great revolution season. – Said Rodolfo de Laurentiis, president of Confindustria Radio Television – With HD Forum Italian so we signed a three-year agreement in order to support the revolution and define together rules and technical standards. If San Marino intends to set up with HD Italian Forum a research and development laboratory, we will also be happy to contribute to the work of us. ”
Finally it should be said that through an afternoon talk show HD Forum Italian addressed the relationship between development of TLC and purpose of Expo 2015, namely sustainability and food quality, even in the report of the final stage of 2015 Events Programme Forum HD Italy: l ‘meeting of September 25, which will take place right inside the Expo area. Renato Farina, Vice President of HD Forum Italian and CEO of Eutelsat Italy, witnessed the importance of television for the Expo: “There can be no sustainability without food education and education goes for the information. A tool such as television has and will continue to have, therefore, an important role. With its satellites, Eutelsat Expo will bring into the world as an official partner, offering broadcasters a technology infrastructure to spread on a global level the message of the event. “