Presentation of the CEI Guide
Radio e Televisione Digitale: Interattività, TV ad Alta Definizione e 3D
The day March 20th, 2014, at the CRIT, took place the presentation of the Guide “Radio e Televisione Digitale: Interattività, TV ad Alta Definizione e 3D”, published by the CEI (Italian Electrotechnical Committee). The Guide, produced by IEC Technical Committee CT100 chaired by RAI Technological Strategies, aims to increase knowledge among citizens and businesses, technologies related to Radio and Digital Television and Multimedia in general. In this context, it is useful to recall the role of Rai in pursuing his vocation for public service, both in terms of the commitment to innovation of technologies related to the services, and for the commitment to the training and information regarding these arguments. This Guide was also written thanks to the collaboration between the trade associations: Confindustria, CNA (National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises), Confartigianato and ANACI (properties administration National Association). The preface is by Luigi Nicolais, President of CNR. The Guide was submitted to the Institutions, Industry associations, industry operators and the press.