Production and encoding systems
... Projects in this area (31)

Active project
Digitisation of RAI Master archive
The RAI internal project for the digitisation of archive audiovisual material currently stored on physical legacy carriers. It aims at the preservation of RAI contents produced and communicated to the public till present day. The Centre for Research and Technological Innovation is involved together with other RAI departments, namely Teche, ICT, and Produzione-TV.

Closed project
European project PrestoPRIME
Keeping Audiovisual Content Alive
The European PrestoPRIME project aims to study and develop solutions that contribute to the creation of a framework for long-term preservation of digital audiovisual products.

Active project
The 3D VMS, acronym of 3D Virtual Microphone System, is a sound recording system that thanks to a microphone array and a processing system patented by RAI with the University of Parma allows the synthesis of virtual microphones (Virtual Microphones) whose orientation and directivity can be controlled and modified in real time.

Active project
Hyper Media News
System for automatic content analysis
Hyper Media News is a system able to integrate the information automatically generated by ANTS with the information on the web and made available through the daily online information sites.
The Hyper Media News system, together with ANTS, has already been successfully demonstrated on several occasions during international scientific conferences and during the Prix Italia 2009.

Active project
Bridget Project
New dimensions in creating and distributing multimedia content
BRIDGET (BRIDging the Gap for Enhanced broadcasT) is a project co-funded by the European Commission in the context of the VII Framework Program. The project is active between November 2013 and October 2016 and sees the involvement of 9 European partners among which RAI.