International projects
Projects in this area (8)

Closed Project in November 2022
Rai experience in 5G-RECORDS EU Project
5G RECORDS (5G key technology enableRs for Emerging media COntent pRoDuction Services) is an EU project, part of the Horizon 2020 framework, which aims to investigate the exploitation of 5G technologies in the context of TV production.
Conceived from the synergy between media companies, network operators, equipment manufacturers and research bodies, the project focuses on the integration of already existing 5G components and the development of new ones, in order to evaluate their performance within three distinct scenarios representing the state-of-the-art in content production.

Active project
The TV programme list is enriched with new channels received via the Internet
The future DVB-I standard aims to deliver TV programmes over the Internet, so that they can be received and displayed by a variety of connected receivers (TVs, PCs, tablets, smartphones) with the same ease of use as today’s traditional TV programmes received from an antenna.
The new DVB-I services will be discovered by means of an installation procedure functionally equivalent to a frequency scan, and included in a channel list having a Logical Channel Numbering (LCN) harmonised with broadcast services.

Active project
MULTIDRONE is an EC funded project of the H2020 research programme.

Active project
Metadata standard for interoperable Recommender Systems

Active project
“Single Illumination”
New DVB technology to serve satellite customers and to feed terrestrial transmitters
Today, the satellite distribution of DVB-T2 multiplexes to terrestrial transmitters located throughout the territory requires dedicated transponders for the transport of the relevant T2-MI (Modulator Interface) streams, which are not directly accessible also for direct-to-home reception by standard satellite receivers. This causes duplication of the needed satellite bandwidth, with the associated costs. To overcome this problem, DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) has activated a new ad-hoc group, named TM-T-JSI, with the purpose of defining an optimized way to transport DVB-T/T2 multiplexes from a national head-end to the terrestrial transmitters, while allowing at the same time direct reception via DVB-S/S2 commercial satellite receivers.