Projects and activities at CRITS
All Activities and Projects

Closed Project in November 2022
Rai experience in 5G-RECORDS EU Project
5G RECORDS (5G key technology enableRs for Emerging media COntent pRoDuction Services) is an EU project, part of the Horizon 2020 framework, which aims to investigate the exploitation of 5G technologies in the context of TV production.
Conceived from the synergy between media companies, network operators, equipment manufacturers and research bodies, the project focuses on the integration of already existing 5G components and the development of new ones, in order to evaluate their performance within three distinct scenarios representing the state-of-the-art in content production.

Activity within the Rai-LIS Project
Rai realized four virtual LIS interpreters, developed by adopting the latest computer graphics technologies and the use of innovative platforms.
This research activity will allows RAI to manage the entire process of generating new contents in LIS for future services for deaf people.

Progetto attivo dal 2018
Modeling and characterization of a GTEM cell
As part of a collaboration with Rai WAY, the electromagnetic behavior of an open GTEM cell at different operating frequencies (from 250 MHz to 1 GHz) has been analyzed, implementing an accurate finite-element model of the device. The analysis, conducted both from a simulation and an experimental point of view, has allowed to characterize this electromagnetic structure as to the field uniformity, a quality necessary to carry out field probes calibration or electromagnetic compliance tests.

Progetto attivo dal 2018
Early Warning System: an innovative system for satellite DTH transmission of alarm signals embedded in DVB-S/S2 signals
A new method to generate and transmit alarm signals to alert the population in the event of natural disasters, embedded in satellite TV transmissions has been devised by Rai-CRITS and proposed to DVB. The prototype developed in the project allowed us to test in the laboratory the effectiveness of the method and the backward compatibility with existing DVB-S/S2 receivers.

Experimental activity
5G Broadcast demonstration during the European Championships 2018
Rai-CRITS experiments of feMBMS (3GPP Rel.14) in Aosta Valley
Rai-CRITS, in collaboration with the Technische Universität of Braunschweig (DE), is testing the most advanced precursor of 5G-broadcast technology, the feMBMS (Release 14 of the 3GPP standard). The technology was demonstrated in Valle d’Aosta during the European Championships, held in Glasgow and Berlin from 2 to 10 August 2018.