Version 6.04 (002)

2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2017)

The 2017 edition of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data took place in Boston, MA, from 11 to 14 December [1]. The conference is one of the most prestigious events in the field of Big Data. The Centre for Research and Technological Innovation contributed to the conference by presenting a paper entitled “Real Time Semantic Enrichment of Broadcast Content in the Big Data Age” [2]. The paper describes the work that has been carried out in collaboration with Agile Lab and CELI Language Technology, and focused on the design and implementation of a proof-of-concept solution for searching, organising and accessing multimedia data in a fast and semantic-driven way.

The system supports real time ingestion of video streams on which different machine learning techniques (such as global and local visual features extraction and matching) are applied in a parallel and scalable way. The video processing pipeline is shown in the following figure.

First, a set of visual descriptors are extracted from the frames of the incoming stream. Extracted descriptors are matched to a reference database of visual patterns (e.g. buildings, paintings, monuments) in order to produce a set of meta-tags describing the ingested contents. Furthermore, these tags are semantically enriched using open semantic data repositories. The system is designed with a scale-out pattern architecture based on Apache Spark, ensuring high-performance in Big Data management environments. Further details can be found in [2].


[1] IEEE BigData 2017 Boston,MA,USA

[2] Maurizio Montagnuolo, Alberto Messina, Nicolò Bidotti, Paolo Platter, Alessio Bosca, “Real Time Semantic Enrichment of Broadcast Content in the Big Data Age”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data

Maurizio Montagnuolo
2018 January 09