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Italian Sign Language or LIS (Lingua dei Segni Italiana) is the visual language employed by deaf people in Italy. Deep analysis of it began in the 1980s, along the lines of William Stokoe‘s research on American Sign Language in the 1960s. Until recently, most of the studies about Italian Sign Language have dealt with its phonology and vocabulary. According to the European Union for the Deaf, the majority of the 60,000–90,000 Deaf use LIS.


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Found News (2)

News 2024 March 06

Design Manual for Accessibility and Enjoyment of Cultural Heritage. From Human Functioning to the Functioning of Cultural Spaces

Carmen Marino - Mauro Rossini

“The Accessibility Project for RAI Cultural Spaces, born from the decade-long collaboration between the two RAI Directorates for ESG Sustainability and CRITS, has become the focal point of RAI’s contribution to the ‘Design Manual for Accessibility and Enjoyment of Cultural Heritage. From Human Functioning to the Functioning of Cultural Spaces’ by CNR, which was published in February 2024.”

News 2017 July 11

Salone del Libro TURIN 2017: Crit on Lingotto Rai stand

Team e-Inclusion Project

An innovative project aimed at the inclusion of people with disabilities to create an accessible museum path at the Museum of Radio and Television of Turin has presented at Lingotto.