EBU Metadata Developer Network Workshop (MDN) 2019
11 – 13 June 2019, Geneva
The EBU MDN Workshop is the reference forum for radio & television organisations to discuss about technologies related to artificial intelligence and metadata. The event was held at the EBU premise in Geneva from Tuesday 11th to Thursday 13th June 2019. RAI CRITS presented three speeches.
On Tuesday June 11th, Dr. Alberto Messina presented a dissertation on the critical issues related to the use of artificial intelligence to analyse, annotate and archive multimedia content. These concern not only technical aspects related to system implementation (for example the algorithms used), but also cognitive and psychological aspects connected with the neural network training process.

In the creation of datasets for the training, verification and evaluation of AI tools the variables to be considered should include cognitive, psychological and cultural aspects.
On Wednesday June 12th, Dr. Alberto Messina and Dr. Maurizio Montagnuolo described the informative model and the related tools developed for the planning and execution of television productions based on the simultaneous and automated use of multiple drones. The objective of the work, carried out within the funded project H2020 MULTIDRONE, is to provide an end-to-end tool supporting directors and editorial teams in the planning and execution of shooting missions using a fleet of drones with automatic piloting.

The H2020 MULTIDRONE project aims to develop an innovative platform consisting of multiple drones with autonomous guidance for television production.
Finally, on Thursday June 13th, Dr. Maurizio Montagnuolo illustrated the platform that RAI CRITS is developing for the experimentation of artificial intelligence and visual search techniques, as well as for the creation and management of datasets used for their training and validation.

Modern artificial intelligence techniques may provide valuable help in the multimedia annotation and documentation process.
Further information about the event is available at the following link.

- Ioannis Mademlis, Nikos Nikolaidis, Anastasios Tefas, Ioannis Pitas, Tilman Wagner, Alberto Messina “Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Filming In Dynamic Unstructured Outdoor Environments [Applications Corner]”. IEEE Signal Process. Mag. 36(1): 147-153 (2019).
- Caimotti, Emanuele, Maurizio Montagnuolo, Alberto Messina. “An Efficient Visual Search Engine for Cultural Broadcast Archives.” AI*CH@AI*IA (2017).