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News 2018 October 16
Femicide storytelling: the role of digital archives in Italy
Sabino Metta
Ongoing research project funded by the Italian Government and presented at the FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2018 at Venice

FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2018, Venice
Rai wins Excellence in Media Management Award
Alberto Messina
Teche Rai and CRITS win the Excellence in Media Management award at the World Conference on Archives, organized by FIAT / IFTA in Venice. The winning solution of the award consists in a process for the identification and association of the raw materials of the RAI Teche archive to the programs of the Multimedia Catalog based on a visual search technology.

News 2018 August 23
Second Edition of MPEG-21 Media Contract Ontology has been released
Laurent Boch
Some months after its approval ISO/IEC has eventually released the second edition of the Media Contract Ontology of MPEG-21.
The first edition was released in 2013, followed by a Corrigendum in 2015.
This standard, which uses the Web Ontology Language (OWL), such as Contract Expression Language uses XML, was developed in MPEG-21 with the contribution of RAI’s Centre for Research and Technological Innovation.
This is a format that allows you to define machine readable contracts on the rights to exploit audiovisual content and is used within the new RAI rights management system.

News 2018 August 23
The Brussels tapes have disappeared
Silvia Proscia
The digitization of the first tranche of tapes of the Brussels Fund has been completed

EBU MDN Workshop 2018
EBU Metadata Developer Network Workshop (MDN) 2018
Maurizio Montagnuolo
The annual metadata workshop took place in Geneva at the headquarters of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU-UER). The Centre for Research and Technological Innovation participated by presenting a demonstration of an evaluation framework for Cloud-based Artificial Intelligence serivices, and the work being developed as part of the H2020 MULTIDRONE funded project.